Poetry Submissions: Wordlems and Wordlimericks
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Quibble, an online & print lit mag is seeking submissions for a new poem style: Wordlems and Wordlimericks—short, clever poems with a hidden five-letter title for our weekly Wordlem Wednesdays series!
🔠 What’s a Wordlem?
A Wordlem is a 4-line poem where each line offers a clue about the title— think "riddle", but with more poetic license. Make your clues mysterious, witty, or flowery! Readers will discretely (DM) guess the title before we reveal it the next day.
📜 What’s a Wordlimerick?
A Wordlimerick follows the traditional limerick format (AABBA rhyme scheme) but still keeps its five-letter title a secret, woven into the wordplay.
📢 Selected poems will be featured on our social media as part of Wordle Poem Wednesdays!
We look forward to seeing your work puzzling and delighting our readers!
Submission Guidelines:
- Title must be exactly five letters long (in your document,).
- Wordlems: 4 lines, each a clue. No rhyme required, and bonus points for complexity.
- Wordlimericks: 5 lines, limerick-style.
- Be creative, witty, and fun!
- You may submit 3 pieces per window, any after won't be considered.
Please include a short personal bio (blurb) in the 3rd person, if you'd like.
Document specifications:
- .doc or .docx file format ONLY
- Single-spaced
- Standard, readable typeface (e.g., Times New Roman, Georgia)
- 12pt font
Simultaneous submissions are welcome; please notify us promptly if your work is accepted elsewhere.
Gratefully Yours,
Garrett Souliere
Quibble Lit